2 Dimensional Lookup Tables
Uses the XmlPropertyObject outlined at Topic – Advanced – The XmlPropertyObject
Demonstrates how to create a 2-D lookup table and perform multi-dimensional interpolation.
Reference Materials
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using SMADA2013.App_Code;
namespace SMADA2013.App_Code
public class LookupTable :XmlPropertyObject
/* This class is a base for a lookup table in 2 dimensions
The table allows values to be looked up in the table and
interpolated values obtained. Example would be
Curve Number
* 10 20 30 40 50
* 10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
* DCIA 20 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
* % 30 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
* For Curve Number = 30
* DCIA = 20
* Lookup Value = 0.6
* RowData is new line delimited
* ColumnData is new line delimited
* TableData is tab (columns) and new line (rows) delimited
public const string SessionId = "LookupTableID";
public string RowTitle { get; set; }
public string RowDescription { get; set; }
public string RowData { get; set; }
public int RowDataDecimalPlaces { get; set; }
public string ColumnTitle{ get; set; }
public string ColumnDescription{ get; set; }
public string ColumnData{ get; set; }
public int ColumnDataDecimalPlaces { get; set; }
public string TableData { get; set; }
public int TableDataDecimalPlaces { get; set; }
public override Dictionary<string, string> InputProperties()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override Dictionary<string, string> PropertyLabels()
return new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Name", "Title"},
{"RowTitle", "Row Title"},
{"RowDescription", "Row Description"},
{"ColumnTitle", "Column Title"},
{"ColumnDescription", "Column Description"},
public override Dictionary<string, int> PropertyDecimalPlaces()
return new Dictionary<string, int>
{"RowData", RowDataDecimalPlaces},
{"ColumnData", ColumnDataDecimalPlaces},
{"TableData", ColumnDataDecimalPlaces}
public double Calculate(double rowValue, double columnValue)
var rowValues = AsDoubleArray(RowData);
double[] rowInterpolated = CreateInterpolationRow(rowValue, rowValues);
var colValues = AsDoubleArray(ColumnData);
return InterpolationValue(columnValue, colValues, rowInterpolated);
public string ImportData(string data, int decimalPlaces = 2)
data = data.TrimEnd();
data = data.TrimStart();
while (data.Contains(" "))
data = data.Replace(" ", " ");
string finalData = String.Empty;
string formatString = "{0:N" + decimalPlaces.ToString().Trim() + "}";
// makes a string array of all values
string[] rowVals = data.Split(new String[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string row in rowVals)
var r = new ArrayList();
string[] colVals = row.Split(new String[] { " ", ";", ",", "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string rowString = String.Empty;
foreach (string colVal in colVals)
foreach (string colVal in r)
double tempVal = Convert.ToDouble(colVal);
string formattedVal = String.Format(formatString, (double) tempVal);
rowString += formattedVal + "\t";
finalData += rowString.Trim();
finalData += "\n";
finalData += finalData.Trim();
return finalData;
public int FindIndex(double value, double[] values)
if (value <= values[0]) return 0;
if (value >= values[values.Length - 1]) return values.Length - 1;
for (int i = values.Length-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
if (value >= values[i]) return i;
return 0;
public double InterpolationFactor(double value, double[] values)
// this finds the fraction difference a value lies between 2 points
int baseIndex = FindIndex(value, values);
if (values.Length == 1) return values[0];
if (baseIndex == 0) return values[0];
// First make sure not over limit on size, if so extrapolate
if (baseIndex == values.Length - 1)
if (values[baseIndex] == values[baseIndex - 1]) return 0;
return (value - values[baseIndex - 1]) / (values[baseIndex] - values[baseIndex - 1]);
if (values[baseIndex + 1] == values[baseIndex]) return 0;
return (value - values[baseIndex])/(values[baseIndex+1] - values[baseIndex]);
public double InterpolationValue(double value, double[] indexValues, double[] lookupValues)
// Performs and returns the actual interpolated value, index and lookupvalues must
// have same length
int index = FindIndex(value, indexValues);
double factor = InterpolationFactor(value, indexValues);
if (factor == 0) return lookupValues[index];
if (index == 0) return lookupValues[0];
if (indexValues.Length == 1) return lookupValues[0];
//if (index == indexValues.Length - 1) return lookupValues[indexValues.Length - 1];
// Extrapolate
if (index == indexValues.Length - 1)
return lookupValues[index] + factor*(lookupValues[index] - lookupValues[index - 1]);
// Interpolate
return lookupValues[index] + factor * (lookupValues[index+1] - lookupValues[index]);
public double[] CreateInterpolationRow(double rowValue, double[] rowValues)
// This creates a new row - by interpolating the row Value against the
// the row values - it creates an interpolation factor and a base index.
// It then must apply this for every column to create a row value
int rowIndex = FindIndex(rowValue, rowValues);
double rowFactor = InterpolationFactor(rowValue, rowValues);
int nRows = AsDoubleArray(RowData).Length;
int nCols = AsDoubleArray(ColumnData).Length;
double[,] data = AsDoubleArray2D(TableData);
var row = new double[nCols];
for (int i = 0; i <= nCols - 1; i++)
// lookupValues is the column as double[]
var lookupValues = GetColumnData(i, nRows, data);
row[i] = InterpolationValue(rowValue, rowValues, lookupValues);
return row;
public string CalculatedRowValues(double rv)
return AsString(CreateInterpolationRow(rv, AsDoubleArray(RowData)), TableDataDecimalPlaces);
public double[] GetColumnData(int index, int nRows, double[,] values)
var ret = new double[nRows];
for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
ret[i] = values[i, index];
return ret;
public double[,] AsDoubleArray2D(string values)
string s = values;
s = s.TrimEnd();
s = s.TrimStart();
while (s.Contains(" "))
s = s.Replace(" ", " ");
// makes a string array of all values
string[] rowVals = s.Split(new String[] {"\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] temp = rowVals[0].Split(new String[] {"\t"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// dimensioned retVals[rowIndex, columnIndex]
double[,] returnValues = new double[rowVals.Length,temp.Length];
// Reinitialize the ArrayList
var arraylist = new ArrayList();
int rowIndex = 0;
foreach (string rowVal in rowVals)
int colIndex = 0;
string[] colVals = rowVal.Split(new String[] {"\t"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string colVal in colVals)
returnValues[rowIndex, colIndex] = Convert.ToDouble(colVal);
return returnValues;
public new string AsHtmlTable()
string s = "<table>";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in PropertyLabels())
s += "<tr>";
s += "<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>";
string v = GetValue(pair.Key);
s += "<td>" + v + "</td>";
s += "</tr>";
s += "<tr>";
s += "<td colspan='2'>";
s += LookupTableAsHtml();
s += "</td>";
s += "</tr>";
s += "</table>";
return s;
public string LookupTableAsHtml()
ArrayList rows = AsArrayList(RowData, "String");
ArrayList cols = AsArrayList(ColumnData, "String");
ArrayList rowValues = AsArrayList(TableData, "String", new string[] {"\n"});
string s ="<table>";
s +="<tr>";
s += "<td>" + RowTitle + "</td>";
s += "<td colspan='" + Convert.ToInt32(cols.Count) + "'>" + ColumnTitle + "</td>";
s += "</tr>";
s += "<tr>";
s += "<td></td>";
foreach (string col in cols)
s += "<td>" + col + "</td>";
s += "</tr>";
int i = 0;
foreach (string row in rows)
s += "<tr>";
s += "<td>" + row + "</td>";
ArrayList cellValues = AsArrayList(Convert.ToString(rowValues[i]), "String");
foreach (string cell in cellValues)
s += "<td>" + cell + "</td>";
s += "</tr>";
s += "</table>";
return s;
public void ImportFromExcel(string data)
/* Sample Import
* First Row is Name
* Second Row is Tab - then Row Title, Column Titles
* Third Row is Tab - then Column Values
* Remaining Rows are Row Value - then Table Values
* Example
Mean Annual Mass Removal Efficiencies for 0.25-inches of Retention for Zone 1
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 95.0 100.0
30.0 86.20 81.30 73.30 65.50 58.70 53.00 48.30 44.20 40.80 37.90 35.30 33.10 31.10 29.40 27.80 26.40 25.10 24.00 22.90 21.90
35.0 81.60 78.70 71.70 64.50 58.00 52.50 47.90 44.00 40.60 37.70 35.20 33.00 31.00 29.30 27.80 26.40 25.10 23.90 22.90 21.90
40.0 76.40 75.50 69.60 63.10 57.10 51.90 47.40 43.60 40.30 37.50 35.00 32.90 30.90 29.20 27.70 26.30 25.10 23.90 22.90 21.90
45.0 70.70 71.70 67.20 61.40 55.90 51.00 46.80 43.10 40.00 37.20 34.80 32.70 30.80 29.10 27.60 26.30 25.00 23.90 22.90 21.90
50.0 64.70 67.50 64.20 59.40 54.50 50.00 46.00 42.60 39.50 36.90 34.60 32.50 30.70 29.00 27.50 26.20 25.00 23.90 22.90 21.90
55.0 58.60 62.80 60.90 57.00 52.70 48.70 45.10 41.80 39.00 36.50 34.20 32.30 30.50 28.90 27.40 26.10 24.90 23.90 22.90 21.90
60.0 52.80 57.80 57.10 54.20 50.70 47.10 43.90 40.90 38.30 35.90 33.80 31.90 30.20 28.70 27.30 26.00 24.90 23.80 22.80 21.90
65.0 47.30 52.60 53.00 51.10 48.30 45.30 42.50 39.80 37.40 35.30 33.30 31.50 29.90 28.40 27.10 25.90 24.80 23.80 22.80 21.90
70.0 42.20 47.30 48.60 47.60 45.60 43.20 40.80 38.50 36.40 34.40 32.60 31.00 29.50 28.10 26.90 25.70 24.70 23.70 22.80 21.90
75.0 37.80 42.20 43.90 43.70 42.40 40.70 38.80 36.90 35.10 33.40 31.80 30.40 29.00 27.80 26.60 25.50 24.50 23.60 22.70 21.90
80.0 34.00 37.50 39.10 39.40 38.80 37.70 36.40 34.90 33.50 32.10 30.80 29.50 28.30 27.20 26.20 25.20 24.30 23.50 22.70 21.90
85.0 30.80 33.10 34.30 34.80 34.70 34.20 33.40 32.50 31.40 30.40 29.40 28.40 27.40 26.50 25.70 24.80 24.10 23.30 22.60 21.90
90.0 27.90 29.20 29.90 30.30 30.30 30.20 29.80 29.30 28.80 28.20 27.50 26.80 26.20 25.50 24.90 24.20 23.60 23.00 22.50 21.90
95.0 25.30 25.60 25.80 25.90 26.00 25.90 25.80 25.60 25.40 25.20 24.90 24.60 24.30 24.00 23.60 23.30 23.00 22.60 22.30 21.90
98.0 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.70 23.70 23.60 23.50 23.40 23.30 23.20 23.10 23.00 22.90 22.80 22.60 22.50 22.40 22.20 22.10 21.90
* *
string[] raw = data.Split(new string[] {"\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Row 1
Name = raw[0].Trim();
Description = Name;
// Row 2
string[] temp = raw[3].Trim().Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
RowTitle = temp[0];
ColumnTitle = temp[1];
//Row 3
ColumnData = raw[4].Replace('\t','\n').Trim();
// Get decimal places
temp = ColumnData.Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i=0; i<temp.Length;i++)
ColumnDataDecimalPlaces = Math.Max(RowDataDecimalPlaces, temp[0].Length - temp[0].IndexOf(".") - 1);
RowData = String.Empty;
TableData = String.Empty;
for (int i = 5; i < raw.Length; i++)
string[] colData = raw[i].Trim().Split(new string[] {"\t"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// First Value is Row data
RowData += colData[0] + "\n";
RowDataDecimalPlaces = Math.Max(RowDataDecimalPlaces, colData[0].Length - colData[0].IndexOf(".") - 1);
for (int j = 1; j < colData.Length; j++)
TableDataDecimalPlaces = Math.Max(TableDataDecimalPlaces, colData[j].Length - colData[j].IndexOf(".") - 1);
TableData += colData[j] + "\t";
TableData = TableData.Trim();
TableData += "\n";
TableData = TableData.Trim();
RowData = RowData.Trim();