Assignments Week 4 – Prototype Design

It is now time to start designing your application. This can be done on paper, as HTML, using a design tool, or any other method to record the design of all the screens.

In Assignment 3 you listed all the screens, now we need a design of all the screens. While you are doing this design you will also be wanting to write the data dictionary. The data dictionary will have each field or piece of data stored, its data type, and a description of the data.

The Data Dictionary and screen designs go hand-in-hand. You will use the data dictionary to help with the screens and the screens to help with the data dictionary.

Submission Guidelines

You should submit the data dictionary and the initial design as part of your documentation. These will be 2 separate documents linked to the master document. The data dictionary will be a table (3 columns; field, data type, description), the design may be scans of paper designs or screen captures of designs on the monitor.

At this stage, it is time to start sharing your design with the class. Post a link to your master document to the Assignment 4 discussion boards. Students will need this link for upcoming assignments as you will be evaluating the designs of other students.

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