Assignment #1 – Getting Started


1. Setup a full development environment with code management

Assignment –

You will need to select the environment (STACK) you will be using for your project. You may select ANY stack that has the required features for the application you wish to develop. The 2 most common are the .NET Stack (C#, Web Forms or MVC/SQL Server). This is popular with students as all software students need is available and I have extensive video’s on the use of this traditional stack. The next common stack used by students is MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node) and is popular because Javascript is used on all layers of this stack. This web site may be useful in your stack selection

Code Management (all students) – All Students will need to setup code management and version control. I recommend Git for the version control – download at and install. You will also want an external repository for the code, to do this create a Github account ( This allows you to manage the versions with your team on the web. You will also need to read up on what Git is – so here  . You will have questions, get them up on the discussion boards. Here is a great little guide about using Git locally and on Github. . Here is a little internal guide I wrote to help you

You will be integrating Git with your development software. You can also use different code managements software – if you select a different code management and version control software you must specify what you will be using.

Windows and .NET – Install Visual Studio Community (2015 or later, current is VS2017). All students can create Dreamspark accounts using their Daytona State email address. You can install VS with languages of your choice, but be sure to include C#. Within the .NET evironment most students select either Windows Forms or MVC frameworks as the programming framework.

Node.js – Another option is to work in the node framework. I will be putting more information on the stack and framework choices to assist with the class.

WordPress Development – If you decide to do a WordPress development then you will be using the WordPress Codex, PHP as your primary language, and MySQL as your database.

You only need to submit a document (in Word DOC or PDF format ONLY) showing (1) your potential stack selection, (2) proof of Git installation, (3) and software installs to support your choices. These software can be your choice of cloud environment, any IDE installed, and any other software you plan to use. You may also work on team formation (teams of 2) as all assignments will be conducted towards the completion of a project.

You may also start preparing for Assignment 2 – which will require a cloud hosting environment. You will be hosting your application on the STACK you selected. In addition you will be keeping documentation and will need to select a documentation management – such as Google Drive or possibly even Github.

You must discuss your choices on the Discussion Board. This class is about communication of your code and code choices. What you submit here will also go onto the discussion board.


Estimated Completion Time

Plan on about 5-10 hours of research and installation. Use this time to be fully ready to start coding – do some research on the stacks, ask questions, and watch the video segments. You will also probably want to start with your preferred document management approach (such as Google Drive) for keeping all your documentation.

Supporting Lectures 

These video segments were specifically recorded to help you get started with this assignment.

Introduction to Full Stack Development –

You will want to be ready to program once you have the installation complete. I have C# lectures here – Topic – Basic Programming Concepts . You should be fully ready by next week to start putting this all together.

Microsoft Virtual Academy Level 100 Introduction to Programming in C# – This course is for absolute beginners in C# (and programming). You should be beyond this level – however there are topics in this course (scroll to topic list) that you may not be familiar with and the video segments are well done and easy to follow.

A step by step tutorial for C# is here – this assumes no knowledge of C# but does take you fully through all the major programming concepts you need to be successful in C#.

Questions and Answers

External Resources for .NET

Microsoft Virtual Academy – 

C# Tutorials – 

Integrating VS and Git – 

Grading Criteria

Once you have selected your stack and posted (with rationale) – you will receive credit. This selection is really only necessary for the future assignments. All students will eventually receive a 10 on this assignment because all students must select a stack to be able to progress further.