Spring 2012 Assignment 3 – Instructor Solution
1. After downloading the data I first removed all the rows that had N/A in them (cleaned the spreadsheet) and then imported them. I changed the names of the columns to make it a bit cleaner. The final table I ended up with was this.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RawData](
[Provider Number] [float] NULL,
[Hospital Name] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Address 1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Address 2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Address 3] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[City] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[State] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[ZIP Code] [float] NULL,
[County Name] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Phone Number] [float] NULL,
[CommunicationNurse1] [float] NULL,
[CommunicationNurse2] [float] NULL,
[CommunicationNurse3] [float] NULL,
[CommunicationDoctor1] [float] NULL,
[CommunicationDoctor2] [float] NULL,
[CommunicationDoctor3] [float] NULL,
[Help1] [float] NULL,
[Help2] [float] NULL,
[Help3] [float] NULL,
[Pain1] [float] NULL,
[Pain2] [float] NULL,
[Pain3] [float] NULL,
[MedicationExplain1] [float] NULL,
[MedicationExplain2] [float] NULL,
[MedicationExplain3] [float] NULL,
[CleanRoom1] [float] NULL,
[CleanRoom2] [float] NULL,
[CleanRoom3] [float] NULL,
[Quiet1] [float] NULL,
[Quiet2] [float] NULL,
[Quiet3] [float] NULL,
[RecoveryYes] [float] NULL,
[RecoveryNo] [float] NULL,
[Rating0-6] [float] NULL,
[Rating7-8] [float] NULL,
[Rating9-10] [float] NULL,
[NotRecommend] [float] NULL,
[ProbablyRecommend] [float] NULL,
[YesRecommend] [float] NULL,
[Number of Completed Surveys] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Survey Response Rate Percent] [float] NULL,
[Hospital Footnote] [nvarchar](255) NULL
2. The formula is really not that hard to do, you can this as shown in the Function below. I chose to do these as scalar functions since they return a specific value.
@state VARCHAR(2)
DECLARE @n1 float
DECLARE @n2 float
DECLARE @n3 float
DECLARE @v float
SELECT @n1 = ISNULL((SELECT AVG(CommunicationNurse1) FROM RawData Where [State] = @State), 0)
SELECT @n2 = ISNULL((SELECT AVG(CommunicationNurse2) FROM RawData Where [State] = @state), 0)
SELECT @n3 = ISNULL((SELECT AVG(CommunicationNurse3) FROM RawData Where [State] = @state), 0)
SET @v = 5*@n2 + 10*@n3
3. The other functions will be essentially the same – just simply pulling data from different tables. Since I used functions I can now embed calls into queries – such as this – with results
SELECT Distinct([State]),
CAST(dbo.comScoreNurses([State]) AS Numeric(4,2)) AS 'Nurse Communication Score'
FROM RawData
GROUP BY [State]
Also please note I did NOT include Florida – you will with your assignment. So as a simple point of curiosity who do you thing scored higher on the communication scoring. Well – this is easy to see.
SELECT Distinct([State]),
CAST(dbo.comScoreDoctors([State]) AS Numeric(4,2)) AS 'Doctor',
CAST(dbo.comScoreNurses([State]) AS Numeric(4,2)) AS 'Nurse'
FROM RawData
GROUP BY [State]
Results (doctors win by a hair)
State Doctor Nurse
AK 8.64 8.49
AL 9.15 8.65
AR 8.99 8.56
AZ 8.47 8.43
CA 8.50 8.21
CO 8.78 8.65
CT 8.64 8.51
DC 8.47 7.92
DE 8.64 8.52