Lecture – Form Objects – ListView

ListView Editing


If you follow the Case Study – Basic User Template then you should have everything you need on this one.


Shows how to create a ListView that allows data editing.



Reference Materials

Code to add to the ItemTemplate and AlternatingItemTemplate of the ListView

            <asp:Button ID=”EditButton” runat=”server” CommandName=”Edit”                     Text=”Edit” />

Data Source Parameter

    <asp:SqlDataSource ID=”SqlDSUser” runat=”server”         ConnectionString=”<%$ ConnectionStrings:BasicUserTemplate %>”         SelectCommand=”SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE ([id] = @id)”                 UpdateCommand=”UPDATE Users SET UserPassword = @UserPassword, UserEmail = @UserEmail, UserIsDeletedBit = @UserIsDeletedBit WHERE ([id] = @id)”>        <SelectParameters>            <asp:SessionParameter Name=”id” SessionField=”UserID” Type=”Int32″ />        </SelectParameters>        <UpdateParameters>            <asp:Parameter Name=”UserPassword” />            <asp:Parameter Name=”UserEmail” />            <asp:Parameter Name=”UserIsDeletedBit” />            <asp:SessionParameter Name=”id”  SessionField=”UserID” Type=”Int32″ />        </UpdateParameters>    </asp:SqlDataSource> 

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