Creating and Displaying many to many relationships part 3

Continuation of Creating and Displaying N to N Relationships part 2

First let’s look at what we want to display in our View

This is what a typical grade sheet displaying the many:many relationship between students and grades would look like –  so how do we do this?

First I am going to Create a new View – simply right click, Add View – and set the options

Now I am going to first do this the simplest method – use of the ViewBag, I first need a controller – and I will add the Controller method to the GradesController – which of course must be named to match the View “ViewAsTable”. I am also going to add to the ViewBag all the elements I need to create the display

Add the following method to your GradesController

 public ActionResult ViewAsTable()


            ViewBag.ClassId = new List<Class>(db.Classes);

            ViewBag.StudentId = new List<Student>(db.Students);

            ViewBag.GradeId = new List<Grade>(db.Grades);

            return View();


Next I will create the code to display in the View. Note the use of the foreach loops – one for the header (to display classes) and the 2 embedded loops to display students and grades.


@model SampleNtoN.Models.Grade
    ViewBag.Title = "View As Table";
<h2>View As Table</h2>
<table class="table">
        @foreach (var c in ViewBag.ClassId)
    @foreach (var s in ViewBag.StudentId)
            @foreach (var c in ViewBag.ClassId)
                @foreach (var g in ViewBag.Gradeid)
                    if((g.StudentId == s.StudentId)&&(g.ClassId==c.ClassId))

Some good references – there are quite a few ways to do this and I am only demonstrating what I see as the simplest of the solutions.