FTB01 – Conditional Logic

Previous – Variables and Functions

One of the greatest capabilities of programming languages is the ability to do conditional logic. A definition of this is simple;

if (something is true)
   do something
   do something else

Yes – it is really that simple, of course it can be more and more complex as the logic necessary to make decisions becomes more and more complex. There are 2 things to think about here (1) the syntax of the if and else and (2) the syntax of the something is true portion. So lets start easy.

x = 1
y = 1

if (x > 0):
    if (y > 0):         
        print("Northeast Quadrant")
        print("Southeast Quadrant")
    if (y > 0):
        print("Northwest Quadrant")
        print("Southwest Quadrant")

Here is some code for a simple logic to determine if a point is in a specific quadrant. Notice that it does contain a second embedded if/else statement. The first if determines if x is positive or negative and that will determine east or west of the origin. The embedded if statement compares the y values and determines north (y > 0 ) or south (y < 0). With the values 1,1 it should be (and is) in the Northeast Quadrant.

The other part of the conditional logic is within the if statement – the condition, again we will look at this with code. This code will do exactly the same thing as the previous code. Note that the if statement now must process a condition an another condition.

if((x > 0) and (y > 0)):
    print("Northeast Quadrant")
if((x > 0) and (y < 0)):
    print("Southeast Quadrant")
if((x < 0) and (y > 0)):
    print("Northwest Quadrant")
if((x < 0) and (y < 0)):
    print("Southwest Quadrant")

Another useful construct is the elif, which basically means else if. here is an example of this. In the previous examples we did not handle the x = 0 or the y = 0 cases, here we do using an elif.

if (x > 0):
    if (y > 0):         
        print("Northeast Quadrant")
    elif (y == 0):
        print("East on Equator")
        print("Southeast Quadrant")
    if (y > 0):
        print("Northwest Quadrant")
    elif (y == 0):
        print ("West on Equator")
        print("Southwest Quadrant")

As you can see handling conditional logic is rather easy and powerful. Additional resources are included here if you need more help.

Programiz Python Tutorials – https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/if-elif-else
