Assignment 10

Finally a non-programming assignment, but this one is just as important to your programming as the others. Programming is a great tool, but until you know what it can be used for you only have half the picture.


This is a one-page (I mean one-page limit, single-spaced) paper. (You may include references on a separate page). You will research why python is being used for engineering and how. Your paper must answer the following questions (answer straight forward- you only get one page);

  • Is Python used in the engineering field?
  • How is Python being used in technical fields?
  • What is the advantage of you knowing Python?
  • Include a real-world example of where Python is being used for an engineering project.


For this assignment, you can reference social sites such as Quora, Reddit, etc… where you can get actual feedback from real practicing engineers. There are hundreds of courses on using Python to solve all sorts of problems and it is the language of choice for AI and Machine Learning – there are quite a few applications to research in this area.


You will be posting your paper to the discussion board along with submitting in assignments. You will also find there are some truly interesting things to learn from the student submissions – I personally learn of applications I did not know about through reading the student submissions on this assignment, I want you to have the same benefit.