Question Guidelines

Because you are writing code and you will run into challenges (or at least you should run into challenges) that may require additional expertise to solve – you need to know how to ask a good question. Here are some guidelines that will help.

  1. Clearly and fully state what you are trying to do.

Example of Poor Question

I cannot figure out problem 3

Example of Better Question

I have attempted to begin assignment 3, however I am finding the concept of time value difficult. I have not had Engineering Economics, but I have read the sources on how this works. Does anyone have explanations or resources that can better explain how to approach this problem? Here is the current code I have written (have a paste of code), I believe this is the correct start – but am not sure.

2. Give (at a minimum) a synopsis (including code) of what you have done.

Always copy and paste code as a fixed point font – this is an option on the discussion boards and it will make it much easier for anyone trying to help to read and look for problems in the code.