

Daytona State Fall 2023 Syllabus Link –

   Course Policies and Syllabus

                                                                                              EGN3214 Programming for Engineers

Instructor:           Ron Eaglin          

Title:                     Dr.

Office:                  ATC 104L             

Office Hours:     Normal 9:30 – 5:00, recommend appointment

Phone:                 386-506-4176                     Fax:       


Department Homepage:

Course Description: This course covers computer programming fundamentals. Input, output, conditional logic, loops, and basic constructs are presented with applications in solving engineering problems

Minimum Technical Requirements

Students enrolled in this course must be able to:

  1. Use all required features of Falcon Online such as discussion boards and Assignments
  2. Send and receive attachments by e-mail
  3. Create and submit files using Microsoft Word processing or Excel spreadsheet programs
  4. Create, edit, and present using programs such as PowerPoint or Prezi
  5. Be able to install specific software required for the course – specifically Anaconda installation

Student Learning Outcomes:  Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to;

1.            Use variables, arrays and object structures appropriate to solve engineering problems

2.            Write computer functions to meet specific calculation needs.

3.            Write computer programs to solve mathematical expressions and engineering problems.

Class Format: This is an online course. All course materials are available at and 

Required Textbook(s) and/or Materials:  There is no required text. All course materials are made available at

Optional Materials: There are no optional materials

Equipment and Supplies: Students must have access to a computer and the ability to install the Anaconda installation on the computer.

Important Links:  Course Web Site –   

Classroom Policies

Disclaimer: This syllabus has been constructed to be as complete as possible but I reserve the right to alter policies, procedures, and the syllabus as needed with notification to students. Please utilize the website regularly as any changes to the syllabus will be posted there.

How to proceed through the course: This course requires intensive programming, research of programming methods, and application of those methods to solve real engineering problems. Students must be capable of analyzing problems (skills from Calculus and other engineering courses), researching solution techniques, and application of those techniques using principles learned in the class and from class lectures.  

Handling of assignments: All assignments are submitted through the assignments tool in Falcon Online

Communication:  The Falcon Online discussion boards provide the primary means of communication with the professor and the class. The board is organized for questions about Assignments, the Project, and other topics. Many of the assignments in the class require posting to the discussion boards and it is expected that all students provide assistance to other students to the best of their abilities.

Safety Guidelines: None

Microsoft Office 365, with 1TB of OneDrive storage, is available to enrolled Daytona State College students. Students are provided a college email address that serves as the student’s official source for college communication. In addition to email, Office 365 provides students with shared calendars, the ability to create and edit documents online, team sites, and other collaboration tools.  Whether you work on a PC, Mac, tablet or phone, you will have a consistent experience across all of your devices. The service includes online versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, and OneNote Class Notebook. For more information about Office 365, visit the Student Self-Service Help page at and click on Office 365 Find Out More.

Interaction: Interaction with members of the class is through the discussions tool in Falcon Online.

Children/Non-Enrolled Individuals in Class: Individuals who are not registered in the course are not permitted in the class when in session.

Attendance and Lateness Policy:  N/A


Students who stop attending this class will be withdrawn from the class and receive a final grade of W1 (Withdrawn).  Attendance includes participating in online or face-to-face environments as required.

Late Work/Make-up Work and Exams:  Students have the ability to make up work and assignments that were not completed successfully in the initial submission. Policies towards each individual assignment are posted on the discussion boards.

Classroom Etiquette:  Students should demonstrate professionalism and collegiality in all online interactions.

Evaluation/Assessment Methods:  There are 10 assignments each worth an equal amount that make up 70% of the grade. There is also a project where the student is responsible for assessing their own abilities based on a skills rubric which makes up 30% of their grade.

Grading Policy: 

10 Assignments with equal weight70 %
Project with skills assessment30%
TOTAL  Points Available100%

Grading Scale:

90% – 100%A
80% – 90%B
70% – 80%C
60% – 70%D
0% – 59%F

Incomplete Grades:    An Incomplete (“I”) grade is assigned at the instructor’s discretion, and requires the student to sign an agreement that outlines the work needed to receive the final grade.  To be eligible for an Incomplete, a student should have completed at least 75% of the coursework and should have a reasonable chance of passing the course.  It is incumbent on the student to complete the remaining assignments before the Incomplete automatically converts to the grade of F, which is 45 days following the end of the term in which the I grade was assigned. 

Class Schedule: Due schedules are with each assignment

Class Withdrawal Process:  Students can withdraw from this class prior to the date listed in the Academic Calendar. It is not necessary to have approval from the instructor to withdraw from the course, but you should discuss the situation with the instructor prior to any action. Many times issues and concerns can be resolved with communication. Please review the Refund/Repayment Policy in the current college catalog and also check with the Office of Financial Aid to determine how the withdrawal might affect your current and future financial aid eligibility.  The steps for withdrawal from a class can be found on the Student Self-Service Help page at under Enroll/Register for Classes, Drop Classes.

Sensitive Materials: Course content aims to enable students to reach course goals and objectives.  As such, students may be introduced to a wide range of topics and ideas that differ from familiar understandings and beliefs.  Some content may be considered sensitive or offensive or disturbing (or all of the above) by some students. 


Students who stop attending this class will be withdrawn from the class and receive a final grade of W1 (Withdrawn).  Attendance includes participating in online or face-to-face environments as required.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Students are responsible for reading and following all college policies outlined in the current Student Handbook. Some of the most important are summarized below. The Handbook can be accessed at under “Student Resources.”

Academic Integrity

In order to preserve academic excellence and integrity, the College expects you to know, understand, and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy, which prohibits academic dishonesty in any form, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism. The grades you earn must be based upon your own work and must accurately reflect your own knowledge and skills.

An instructor who finds that a student has violated Academic Integrity may apply an academic consequence ranging from a zero percent for the assignment, up to and including failure for the entire course.  Violations may be reported to the academic department chair for review and/or referred to the student disciplinary process for appropriate disciplinary resolution.  For more information about Academic Integrity and the appeal process see:

Honor Pledge: I, as a member of the DSC community, pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid in my work nor will I present another’s work as my own, nor will I tolerate anyone who does. For more information on academic integrity, view the Honor Code.

Forms of Academic Dishonesty are clearly defined on the Academic Integrity webpage. You may use this link to review and discuss Academic Integrity with your students.  It is also recommended that you explain the specific penalties you plan to attach to violations of Academic Integrity in this course. 

Self-Plagiarism: If you plan to prohibit self-plagiarism, you must clearly explain this and communicate penalties you will apply to self-plagiarism.  If your syllabus never addresses self-plagiarism, it is assumed that you will accept such work with no penalty.

Support Services

Counseling and Accessibility Services:  Counseling and Accessibility Services (CAS) provides tools and resources to students with documented disabilities. Students who self-disclose a disability and provide the required documentation to the CAS Office can receive confidential and reasonable accommodations to assist in their academic success. If you need accommodations, please contact the CAS Office at (386) 506-3238. To call Florida Relay dial 7-1-1, or the appropriate toll-free number: 1-800-955-8771 (TTY), 1-800-955-8770 (Voice). Counseling Services are available on campus to help students by providing confidential short-term counseling and linking them to local community mental health professionals for long-term assistance when needed. Please call (386) 506-3038 for more information. You can also find more information on these services at

Veterans:   If you are currently serving or have ever served in the U.S. Military, please feel free to visit the Veterans Center in the Lenholt Student Center (Bldg. 130, room 124) for any assistance or phone 386.506.3065. Please visit

Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Centers (ASC) assist students on every campus to achieve their potential by providing the resources they need to become successful, independent learners. For more information please go to or email

Writing Center: For assistance with all stages of the writing process please visit the Writing Center (appointments recommended)

Library and Research Services: The Daytona State Library offers a variety of services and resources to support your academic success. Visit the library website at

Technical Support is available for FalconMail, printing, web usage, Falcon Online, and more.  Students may call 386-506-3950 or e-mail  Information can be found on the Student Self-Service Help page at under Tech Support.

For Falcon Online 24/7 support of course tools, view the Help/Resources on the Falcon Online navbar or call the Helpdesk at 386-506-3950, option 2. General Help information for Falcon Online can be found on the Student Self-Service Help page at under Falcon Online Technical Help.

Safety on Campus: 

Daytona State College has a mass notification system, DSC Alert. It’s a multi-modal mass notification system that enables DSC to quickly send critical information to the College community via text, phone, and email during an emergency. Students also may receive non-emergency (outreach) communication including information on Registration, Financial Aid, College events, and other messages intended to make the enrollment process easier and improve your DSC experience. All DSC students are automatically opted into DSC Alert when they begin classes and will receive this service at no charge.

After enrolling at DSC, you will receive an email at your DSC email address letting you know that the system has been activated and providing the link to the page where you can set up your account and select which types of outreach communications you would like to receive. The link is

Once on the page, click the Sign Me Up! link and follow instructions to set up your account. Please use your DSC email address with the format. If you don’t do anything, you are automatically opted in, but we encourage you visit the webpage to ensure that your account is set up to your preferences.

It’s also important to keep your phone number current in the DSC system. To update your phone number, log in to your MyDaytonaState page and select My Profile > Campus Personal Data > Phone Numbers.

The Center for Men and Women:  CCAMPIS-(Child Care Access Means Parents In School) assists eligible students with child care; New Directions: Access to financial assistance for tuition, books, uniforms, and/or equipment for single parents, displaced homemakers, single pregnant women, or those considering a non-traditional career; Lending Library: A limited library of textbooks available for loan; Clothes Closet: Students can achieve a professional image for job interviews and employment; Falcon Fuel: Free light snacks for students to fuel up and go! Homeless Student Services: College and community resources and referrals to help students stay in school. Health Services: Connections to local Health Care providers for DSC students and their children. 

Contact:  or call (386) 506-3068.