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COP3530 – Data Structures

Online Textbook

Welcome to COP3530 Data Structures – This course is taught at Daytona State College as part of the BSIT program.

This course introduces fundamentals of Data Structures. 

This is an online textbook developed by Dr. Ron Eaglin for this course. It has everything you need to be successful in this course – go buy a latte – you just saved some money!

Course Syllabus – The course syllabus outlines the expectations of the course. This page gives a synopsis of items on the syllabus.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe both complex and simple data structures.
  • Select the correct data structure and algorithm to solve specific problems.
  • Implement data structures and algorithms in computer code.
  • Analyze the performance of algorithms and data structures.

How to get started

Discussion Boards, Assignment Drop Boxes, News items, and Course Syllabus are all  available in Falcon Online. If you are enrolled at DSC you will have access to these.

This class has 15 weekly assignments that you must complete and submit. Each assignment has links to corresponding lectures and a discussion board for you to ask for help. Use the discussion boards to ask questions (not email).

There are 15 weekly quizzes also with a corresponding discussion board. If you do not understand a quiz question – you can to ask about it.

So here is what to do to get started;

  1. Go to the Discussion Board in Falcon Online and say hi.
  2. Look at Assignment 1 in the assignments below and get started on it.
  3. Go to Falcon Online to Assignments where you will submit this assignment
  4. Take quiz 1 – they are unlimited attempts, don’t sweat it.

Here they are – the Assignments:

All COP3530 Assignments

Each assignment contains links for getting you started on that assignment. You will probably want to do internet research (in fact this is intended) to help you complete these assignments.

All Course Lectures

I have created extensive lectures to help you learn and understand data structures. These will be useful as will other resouces that you find and share on the discussion boards.