Assignment 11

Assignment 11 – Interpolation


Develop and implement a basic algorithm to perform a simple mathematical function using an array

Supports learning objective 3

3. Implement data structures and algorithms in computer code.


Just like many of the other data structures covered in this class – indexes are also pretty straightforward. They are covered in Topic – Indexing Techniques. For this module you will only have to complete a computer program.

This is designed to be a very easy assignment and give you a chance to catch a breather from the more complicated assignments.


An interpolation table is a specific instance of a Lookup Table – which is also a practical application of indexing, in this case numeric indexes. You will create a computer program that uses the following lookup table (interpolation table), allows a user to input a number and calculates the answer by interpolating between 2 numbers – or finds an exact solution.

0     0.00
1     0.04
2     0.11
3     0.60
4     0.87
5     0.95
6     1.00

The table gives the amount of total rainfall (normalized to 1) that occurred during a rainfall event. For example at hour 3, 0.6 or 60% of the total rain had fallen. You will need to create a function that allows me to enter a number between 0 and 6, and it must return the total amount of rainfall that has occurred. I must also be able to enter fractional numbers – for example if I enter 4.5 it should return 0.91 by using interpolation (use standard linear interpolation – ).

You can check your algorithm. If I enter 2.3, it should return 0.257  The math here is 0.11 + 0.3 * (0.6 – 0.11) = 0.257

All COP3530 Assignments