Fall 2017 Course Syllabus

Course Policies and Syllabus

COP3530 Data Structures


Instructor:           Dr. Ron Eaglin

Title:                     Professor, Chair Engineering Technology

Office:                  ATC 104L

Office Hours:     Call 386-506-4138 to ensure I am in (I am typically in 9-5 M-F)

Phone:                 386-506-4176                     Fax:        386-506-4191

Email:                   Ronald.eaglin@daytonastate.edu

Department Homepage

Faculty Web Page

Course Description:   This course introduces fundamentals of Data Structures. Topics include: Programming strategies, Data Structures, Searching, Complexity, Queues, Sorting, and Algorithms. FA, SP, SU

Co-Reqs: MAD2104 OR COT3100
Pre-Reqs: COP2800 OR COP2001C OR COP2220 OR COP2360

Minimum Technical Requirements

Students enrolled in this course must be able to:

  • Use all required features of Falcon Online such as discussion boards and the Dropbox
  • Send and receive attachments by e-mail
  • Use online tools for programming

 Student Learning Outcomes:  Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

  • Describe both complex and simple data structures.
  • Select the correct data structure and algorithm to solve specific problems.
  • Implement data structures and algorithms in computer code.
  • Analyze the performance of algorithms and data structures.

Required Textbook(s) and/or Materials:  All required materials available at the online textbook at https://roneaglin.online/cop3530/ 

Optional Materials: none

Equipment and Supplies: Students will need access to the internet to use the tools and website for this course.

Important Links: See above

Classroom Policies

Disclaimer: Teaching policies and regulations for this course are not open for discussion or negotiation. This syllabus has been constructed to be as complete as possible but is by no means a binding document. I reserve the right to alter policies, procedures, and the syllabus as needed. Please utilize the website regularly as any changes to the syllabus will be posted there.

How to proceed through the course: Weekly assignments and quizzes will be followed by a final cumulative exam. Assignments may be extensive for students with weaker programming backgrounds, students should make all efforts to keep up with course materials.

Handling of assignments: Assignments will be submitted weekly through the Falcon Online assignments tool.

Communication: Students have free and ready access to the Falcon Online discussion boards and should use these to ask questions and communicate with the class.

Interaction:  Some assignments will require student interaction; all students should make an effort to use the bulletin board to obtain answers to questions.

Attendance and Lateness Policy: Students are required to log in on a regular basis and check messages and discussion board posts.

Late Work/Make-up Work and Exams:   Late work is accepted for students making a concerted effort to complete the assignments. Students must show this effort through their efforts to obtain answers and get assistance through the correct discussion board.

Evaluation/Assessment Methods: Students will be evaluated through their performance on the weekly assignments and the final exam as outlined in grading policy.

Grading Policy:

Grade ItemWeight
15 Weekly Assignments equally weighted70%
Weekly quizzes30%

A grade calculator (with code) for this class is available at https://jsfiddle.net/reaglin/so15uz94/

Grading Scale:

Number of Points EarnedPercentGrade

An incomplete grade will NOT be given UNLESS the following criteria are met:

  •  A request in writing is submitted to the instructor prior to last three weeks of class.
  • All assignments, term paper, and quizzes were completed at that point in time.
  • The student has a grade C or higher at that point in time.

Class Schedule: Assignment and exam schedule is available in Falcon Online

Class Withdrawal Process:  Example: Students can withdraw from this class prior to the date listed in the Academic Calendar. It is not necessary to have approval from the instructor to withdraw from the course, but you should discuss the situation with the instructor prior to any action. Many times issues and concerns can be resolved with communication. Please review Refund/Repayment Policy in the current college catalog and also check with the Office of Financial Aid to determine how this withdrawal might affect your current and future aid eligibility.

Sensitive Materials: Course content aims to enable students to reach course goals and objectives.  As such, students will often be introduced to a wide range of topics and ideas that may differ from familiar understandings and beliefs.  Some content could be considered sensitive or offensive or disturbing (or all of the above) by some students.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Students are responsible for reading and following all college policies outlined in the Student Handbook. Some of the most important are summarized below. The Handbook can be accessed at http://www.daytonastate.edu/academics.html under “Student Resources.”

Academic Integrity

In order to preserve academic excellence and integrity, the College expects you to know, understand, and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy, which prohibits academic dishonesty in any form, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism. Grades conferred by instructors are intended to be, and must be, accurate and true reflections of the coursework actually produced and submitted by you.

Cases of suspected academic dishonesty may be reported to the Judicial Affairs Office for resolution. Modify this to include grade penalties or if you refer all cases to Judicial Affairs.

Honor Pledge: I, as a member of the DSC community, pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid in my work nor will I present another’s work as my own, nor will I tolerate anyone who does. For more information on academic integrity, view Honor Code.

Academic Support Services

Students with Disabilities:  The Student Disability Services (SDS) Office provides tools and resources to students with documented disabilities. Students who self-disclose a documented disability and provide the required documentation to the SDS Office can receive confidential and reasonable accommodations to assist in their academic success. If you need accommodations, please contact the SDS Office at (386) 506-3238. To call Florida Relay dial 7-1-1, or the appropriate toll-free number: 1-800-955-8771 (TTY), 1-800-955-8770 (Voice). You can also find more information at http://www.daytonastate.edu/sds.

 Veterans:   If you are currently serving or have ever served in the U.S. Military, please feel free to visit the Veterans Center in the Lenholt Student Center (Bldg. 130, room 124) for any assistance or phone 386.506.3065. Please visit https://www.daytonastate.edu/admsvet/

The Division of Library and Academic Support provides the following unlimited services to students via tuition and fees at the time of registration.

Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Centers (ASC) assist students on every campus to achieve their potential by providing the resources they need to become successful, independent learners. For more information please go tohttp://www.daytonastate.edu/asc/ or email ASC@DaytonaState.edu.

Writing Center: For assistance with all stages of the writing process please visit the Writing Center (appointments recommended) www.daytonastate.edu/cwc

Library and Research Services: The Daytona State Library offers many types of resources to support your research materials and assistance. www.daytonastate.edu/library

Technical Support is available for FalconMail, printing, web usage, Faclon Online, and more.  Students may call 386-506-4AID (4243) or e-mail FalconAid@Daytonastate.edu.

Safety on Campus:  Check your FalconMail after you register for information on accessing and updating your free Daytona State College Rave Alert account. You can also visit https://www.getrave.com/login/daytonastate.