Topic 5 – Recursive Problems

Topic 5 – Recursive Problems and Recursion

Concept of Recursion

To understand how recursion works – you must first understand the concept of a stack ( Topic- Stacks and Queues ). Because calls to computer functions are held on a stack, recursion follows the pattern of a stack. The classic example of recursion is the calculation of the Factorial of a number. As an example 4! (read 4 Factorial) is the product of 4 * 3 * 2 * 1. The is is easily calculated with recursion – with a simple function

function Factorial(x) {

if (x != 0) return x * Factorial(x-1);

return 1;


When called with 4 as the argument – the return is 4*Factorial(3) – with a little work it is easy to see how you can get the answer.

Video – Recursion

Link –

Linked Lists and Recursion

You have been using recursion in the implementation of a linked list. The concept is pretty simple, since each list element has a value and a link to the next element

Element X(i) { value, Pointer to next element }

To print all the elements of X, you simply print the value of X(i) and then pass the pointer to the function to do the next element. Remember – you will need a terminating element. You will see in upcoming topics how recursion allows us to set up much more complex structures, such as trees – which add all sorts of capabilities.

Recursion Lectures

Recursion is covered in Lecture 3.2 in All Course Lectures

Articles on Recursion

Wikipedia has a fantastic article on recursion (thank all the folks who contributed) with all the class examples. You should read the entire article at and be sure to go through each of the recursion examples.

I also recommend the Khan academy video series on recursion – they will come in quite handy for some of the assignments. Though recursion is not conceptually challenging – the capabilities that become available with recursion can be quite complex – and we will be getting into those soon.

Video – Recursion

Link –