Daytona State Fall 2023 Syllabus Link –
Historical (Old) Syllabus
Course Policies and Syllabus
Course Number: COP4813 – Web Systems I
Instructor: Dr. Ron Eaglin
Title: Associate VP, College of Technology
Office: ATC Campus, Room 104G
Office Hrs: By appointment – call 386 506-4138
Phone: 386 506-4176 FAX: 386 506-4191
Email: [email protected]
Department Homepage:
Course Description: Introduction to web systems with emphasis on server configuration, web standards, page design, use of XML, Javascript for client interactivity, and accessibility standards. Extensive computer programming with Javascript and HTML5 will be performed. Course Project is Required.
offered Fall Only
Minimum Technical Requirements: Heavy computer use for all assignments, will need computer and high speed internet connection
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to
1 – Understand and use all the capabilities of modern web browsers. (PO1, PO2)
2 – Ability to use XHTML capabilities to design and implement a web site. (PO4, PO5)
3 – Use XML, XSL, CSS, and correct techniques to create properly structured and well designed web sites. (PO1, PO2)
4 – Ability to use client side scripting languages (DHTML, Javascript) to add interactivity to web sites. (PO1, PO2)
5 – Ability to deploy web based designs in a server environment. (PO1, PO2)
Class Format: This is an online courses – Students will be expected to view regular video’s, use the Course Management system (D2L) for communication and turn assignments in online.
Required Textbook(s): This course is supported by an e-textbook written by Dr. Ron Eaglin available at the site contains everything needed to be successful in this class.
Optional Materials: None necessary – all tools and materials are available at the e-text ste.
Equipment and Supplies: None
Important Links: Students will use Falcon Online
Classroom Policies
Disclaimer: Teaching policies and regulations for this course are not open for discussion or negotiation. This syllabus has been constructed to be as complete as possible but is by no means a binding document. I reserve the right to alter policies, procedures, and the syllabus as needed. Please utilize the website regularly as any changes to the syllabus will be posted there.
How to proceed through the course: Students should plan to have at least three hours of study time per week for each credit hour of class time.
Handling of assignments: All assignments are turned in electronically via the D2L drop box.
Communication: A bulletin board is set up for each assignment, question about assignments should be posted to the bulletin board. Students needing special arrangements for personal issues should contact me via email.
Interaction: Students are expected to use the bulletin board for interaction
Attendance and Lateness Policy: Assignments should be turned in on time, or arrangements made prior to the due date to turn in late.
Late Work/Make-up Work and Exams: There are no exams in this class – all work is done by assignment, which are due each week.
Classroom Etiquette: This is an online class.
Student Rights & Responsibilities: See the Student Handbook. Daytona State College is committed to providing you with quality instruction, guidance, and opportunities for academic and career success by fostering academic excellence in a supportive and personalized learning environment. Maintaining high standards of academic honesty and integrity in higher education is a shared responsibility and an excellent foundation for assisting you in making honorable and ethical contributions to the profession for which you are preparing. In order to preserve academic excellence and integrity, the College expects you to know, understand, and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy, which prohibits academic dishonesty in any form, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism. Grades conferred by instructors are intended to be, and must be, accurate and true reflections of the coursework actually produced and submitted by you.
All cases of suspected violations of the Student Code of Conduct, including academic dishonesty, are reported to the Judicial Affairs Office for resolution.
Forms of Academic Dishonesty
Cheating- Cheating can be defined as: receiving or giving unauthorized assistance on a quiz, test, exam, paper, or project or unauthorized use of materials to complete such; collaborating with another person(s) without authorization on a quiz, test, exam, paper, or project; taking a quiz, test, or exam for someone else or allowing someone else to do the same for you.
Plagiarism –Plagiarism can be defined as: submitting work in which words, facts, or ideas from another source are used without acknowledging that the material is borrowed whether from a published or unpublished source. For specific information on how to document information from other sources, students should check with their instructors, academic departments, or a recognized writing manual, such as the MLA or APA.
Self-plagiarism -Recently the idea that students can plagiarize themselves has surfaced. When students turn in the same assignment for two different classes, they are self-plagiarizing. This rule also applies to sections of an assignment. Not only does ‘repurposing’ assignments deny students the opportunity to learn, but also it is not fair according to the college’s standards. Because of this, self-plagiarizing is coined ‘double-dipping,’ which leads to devaluation of grades and therefore, a devaluation of the College. Daytona State College prohibits self-plagiarism.
Online Academic Integrity Violations -These violations include, but are not limited to the following: sharing your Falcon Online password, working on an assignment with someone else when it is supposed to be done on your own, looking at someone else’s work while taking a quiz or exam, using a cell phone to share quiz or exam information, revising a paper that was found on the Internet, or submitting a paper purchased form a website.
Fabrication –Fabrication can be defined as: listing sources in a bibliography that one did not actually use in a written assignment; presenting false, invented, or fictitious data/evidence in a written assignment.
Honor Pledge : I, as a member of the DSC community, pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid in my work nor will I present another’s work as my own, nor will I tolerate anyone who does.
For more information on academic integrity, view Honor Code.
College Network Acceptable Use Policy: The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of the network and resources provided by Daytona State College and to establish a culture of openness, trust, and integrity. Please make yourself very aware of this policy by clicking these two links:
Evaluation/Assessment Methods: Grades are based upon timely and successful completion of the assignments and the student project.
Grading Policy:
1. There are 15 weekly assignments that make up 80% of the grade – evenly weighted.
2. There is one client project – that makes up 20% of the grade – based on client evaluation of work.
An incomplete grade will NOT be given UNLESS the following criteria are met:
- A request in writing is submitted to the instructor prior to last three weeks of class,
Class Schedule: The weekly schedule of assignments is posted at the assignments page – you are expected to keep up with assignments.
Academic Support Services
The Division of Library and Academic Support provides the following unlimited services to students via their tuition and fees at the time of registration.
Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Center (ASC) assists students to achieve their potential by providing the resources they need to become successful, independent learners. ASC centers are available on all campuses providing academic support in the form of tutoring, learning sessions, instructor assistance, supplemental instruction and various workshops. For more information please go to or email [email protected].
Writing Center: The Writing Center assists students, staff, and faculty to become better writers through face-to-face or virtual consultations (up to 50 minutes) and workshops. As the hub for writing at Daytona State, staff work with all writers at any stage of the writing process—so whether you’re brainstorming ideas for a psychology paper or need a new perspective in the revision of a letter, consider meeting with the staff at the Writing Center. Scheduling appointments are recommended; call (386.506.3297) or visit the website for more information.
Library Services: Daytona State Library Services offers many types of resources to support research needs (or just your curiosity). These resources include everything from e- books to online databases containing countless number of full-text newspapers, magazines and scholarly journals. Many of the resources can be accessed from the web 24/7. A staff of very helpful librarians is available for guidance to the best resources for any type of project. E-mail the librarians, and/or call 386-506-3518, or check out the website for more information.
Technical Support is available for Falcon mail, printing, web usage, Desire2Learn, and more.Students may call 386-506-4AID (4243) or e-mail [email protected].
Local access numbers for your area are:
Daytona (386) 506-4243
DeLand (386) 785-2000 ext. 4243
Deltona (386) 789-7241 ext. 4243
Flagler/Palm Coast (386) 246-4800 ext.4243
New Smyrna (386) 423-6300 ext. 4243
Please check the days and times to contact the Student Helpdesk. Times may vary during holidays and special circumstances.
Personalized assistance via walk-in may be obtained at the new FalconAid Student Help Desk Kiosk located on the Daytona Campus in J. Griffin Greene, building 300, room 109. For days and times, check out the Kiosk.
Withdrawal Process: Students can withdraw from this class prior to the date listed in the Academic Calendar. It is not necessary to have approval from the instructor to withdraw from the course, but you should discuss the situation with the instructor prior to any action. Many times issues and concerns can be resolved with communication. Please review Refund/Repayment Policy and also check with the Office of Financial Aid to determine how this withdrawal might affect your current and future aid eligibility. If the decision has been made to withdraw, you should
- Click on FalconNet in the menu bar
- Using the left hand menu, click on Registration
- Click on Class Registration link
- Read the message about tuition payment and then scroll down to acknowledge the information
- Click on the Continue button
- Select the current term you and year
- Click on the Registration button
- Select the course you want to withdraw from by clicking in the radio button; then click the Drop Course button
Students with Disabilities: If you need academic accommodations, such as private testing, interpreters, note takers, etc., please give me a current letter from Student Disability/Counseling Services that verifies your need for specific accommodations. Please make an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss the accommodations. See Daytona State website for more information or see the Student Handbook at
Veterans: If you are currently serving or have ever served in the U.S. Military, please feel free to visit the Veterans Center in the Lenholt Student Center (Bldg. 130, room 124) for any assistance or phone 386.506.3065.
Safety on Campus: Daytona State College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide Rave Alert, an emergency alert system that can deliver text and voice messages to your cell phone and voice messages to your home phone, as well as email messages to your FalconMail account or personal email account of your choosing. Daytona State College Rave Alert is also capable of posting emergency messages to the College’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts and to the Falcon Central page. Check your FalconMail after you register for information on accessing and updating your free Daytona State College Rave Alert account. You can also visit In addition, the first few weeks of class you should note the door exits and stairwell locations in case of emergency situations. For more information concerning campus safety, go to