Assignment 15

COP4813 Assignment15 – Learning Introspective


1. Understand requirements of web development


You are going to write a single spaced one page introspective of the material that you have learned in this class and also of the skills that you still must learn to be employable as a web systems programmer. I recommend looking at the job postings for web developers and software developers to get an idea of the requirements.

Even if you are not planning on a career path in web development – you should have an understanding of the requirements of these jobs (or jobs in whatever IT field you select) – and what is necessary to be fully employable upon graduation.

You will be putting your results onto your web site (as a page) and submitting a link to this page.


Some postings for jobs to help you here are at

Estimated Completion Time

Take some time and look at the job postings and the material you are covering. Get an idea of what classes are covering to prepare you for these careers.

Supporting Lectures

No supporting lectures

Questions and Answers

Please post any and all questions to the class bulletin board.

Grading Criteria

This is meant to be an easy assignment and also allow you to complete your client project while getting an idea of your career path. Any submission that shows research of job sites and a summary of the skills required for these jobs will receive full credit.