Assignment 2 Frequently Asked Questions

In assignment 2 you are starting to build your web site. Here is some help that will make the assignment easier and prepare you for future assignments.

Question: Do I need to know html?

Answer: Simply put – yes. You do not need to know all html tags, but you should know the basic tags you use a lot. When you need the html to do what you want, you will often go to the text editor and enter it directly.

Question: What tags am I likely to use a lot?

Answer: Here are the tags I recommend you know;

Basic document structure: h1, h2, … , h6, p
Images: img
Hyperlinks and anchors: a
Table: table, th. tr, td
Lists: ul, ol, li

Question: What about CSS, what should I know?

Answer: Most important you need to know how to apply css tags, since this is pretty easy and covered in you should be able to do this easily. As far as actual styles and options – you will not memorize them, just have the ability to look them up.