Student Project

COP4813 Student Project


The Student project for this course comprises 20% of your grade and consists of 3 basic tasks;

1. Find a client to produce a web site – they will need to send me an email (I will post possible clients to the Project Bulletin Board)
2. Complete the web site for the client – your part
3. Have the client submit the grade submission form – this will determine your final grade

You may work in groups of up to 3 students for the student project. I will expect all members of the group to be fully active in completing the project.

Finding a Client

The first task is to find a client. There are some basic rules

1. IMPORTANT – You cannot use friends or family members as your client. All clients must be external references. You can use faculty, staff, approved businesses or charities. Violating this will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment. Clients that you find that I am not sure about will available to other students (I will post them to the bottom of this page)

2. All clients will be required to fill out the Project Client Form at the end of the project (not now). They should agree to this when you contact them. If they do not fill out the client evaluation form upon completion – I will not be able to assign you a grade.

Your client also needs to send me an email ([email protected]). To help me keep track of the e-mail please make sure they use these guidelines;

1. Subject: COP4813 Client
2. Body: They should write what, in their understanding, you intend to do for them. This should include as much detail as possible.

I agree to be a client for the COP4813 Web Systems I class. I understand that the student developer will be developing a web site to meet my specific needs. I agree to provide web site content and provide funding for costs, such as hosting and domain registration, that might be part of the project. I will be able to objectively evaluate the work of the student and have no prior relation to the students. I understand that my evaluation will directly influence the student grade.

The client also needs to describe any relationship or conflict of interest they might have in evaluating your work. If they do not have any they need to state in the email “I am able to objectively evaluate the work of  [ your name] in developing this web site”.

When I get this email I will add it to the list of clients for this term. I will not serve as a client for any students – you need to find an external client. I will supply a list of faculty, teachers, and others that are willing to serve as clients for a web site.

Complete the Web Site

You will need to meet with your client and determine their web site needs. You may use ANY TOOL or SITE BUILDER to create this site. They will be taking over maintenance of the site when you finish this course. Remember – your job is to keep the client happy. Some clients will have complex needs, others will have simple needs – I do not care how much work and effort is required to create the site – your grade is SOLELY based on how satisfied the client is with your work.

Submit the Form

Bottom line – if your client does not fill out the form and submit it – you do not get a grade. Make sure you have your client do this.