Welcome to Ron Eaglin Online

About Me
My name is Ronald Eaglin. I am a professor, computer programmer, adventure racer, husband, and father. I am a true believer in living life to it’s fullest.
I currently teach at Daytona State College. I teach a variety of courses about data structures and web development. I am also the Chair for the School of Engineering at DSC.
I am also a self-proclaimed adventure addict. I have a love for all things adventure racing and outdoor adventure. I have travelled all across the world doing different types of extreme adventures and races.
This website is a collection of some of my works and memories I have made throughout my time as an adventurer and professor.
My Degrees
- Ph.D. University of Central Florida – Environmental Engineering
- M.S University of Central Florida – Environmental Engineering
- B.S. University of South Carolina –
Mechanical Engineering
My Interests
- Adventure racing & Orienteering
- Running & Hiking
- Biking
- Computer programming & teaching
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Paddling & Kayaking
- Land navigation & Mapping
My Advice
Focus on what you’re doing. Life always has its distractions. But if you have something that you want to achieve, like a program, you need to stay focused on the goal. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Q & A:
Why do you teach? Because it is part of me.
What is your advice to students? Focus on what you are doing. Life always has distractions. But if you have something that you want to achieve, like a degree program, you need to stay focused on the goal. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
What is one goal you still want to achieve in your career? To have a solid, positive influence at the national level.
One thing people are surprised to find out about you? I am a musician. Guitar and bass. I played in a band for a long time. That is how I learned not to be shy.
What did you do prior to teaching at DSC? I was a professor at the University of Central Florida.
Last book you read? I read 2-3 books per week.
What are your outside interests? Adventure racing, Ultra running and hiking, mountain and road biking, computer programming, soccer, swimming, paddling and kayaking.
If you could bottle your personality, what would the label read? DO NOT OPEN, impossible to get back in.
If you could have a dinner and could invite any four people, dead or alive, who would they be? My family- the ones I choose to eat with every night.
What is the Daytona State of Mind to you? Thinking about how well you teach and focusing on students.