Assignment 5 – Transactions

 Assignment 5 – Transactions


Demonstrate understanding of ACID and transactions

Create a transaction that meets these requirements

Understanding the requirements of a transaction and when and how to use transactions is important. This example is the obvious case of “Thou shalt not create, nor destroy money”. There are other applications, so this is good to know. 


ACID is a set of rules, not an algorithm. For a database system to implement ACID requirements it must implement it using an algorithm

You will submit a paper with information on how SQL Server implements transaction management to meet the ACID requirements. In addition, you will create a transaction for the supplied database.

User Credit Database

Table - Users
- UserId
- UserName
- UserInformation (this can be emails, address, etc...)

Table UserAccount
- UserAccountId
- UserId
- AccountType
- CreditBalance

Table - Transactions
- TransactionId
- UserAccountId
- TransferAmount
- CreditOrWithdrawal
- TransferCode (Reason for transaction - can be null)
- TransactionDateTime


The transaction must transfer credits from User Account to another given; UserId, UserAccountIdFrom, UserAccountIdTo, TransferAmount, TransferCode. Note that when transferring credits there should be a transaction entry for the from account and another for the to account.

Submit the assignment in pdf or doc format.


You will want to Google Search on implementing database ACID. ACID is a general set of principles, every database has different methods of implementing these principles.

Estimated Completion Time

5-10 hours to watch video, research requirements – and write the paper and stored procedure.

Supporting Lectures 

Lecture – Getting Started with Transactions in T-SQL

Questions and Answers

This will require some web research into the algorithms used.

External Resources

Web sources are sufficient for this assignment, you will need to do some product research (Post-Gre, Oracle, IBM Progress, MySQL, are all examples of database that you can use for comparison). These research links are not included here as they are part of the assignment.

A very good video on Transactions is available at WiseOwl –

Grading Criteria

The paper should be a well written document with no grammar errors and represents your research and knowledge of ACID and specific implementations to meet the requirements of ACID in transaction management.