
Course Lectures By Week

Each week be sure to read the reading section and also watch the lectures, you are responsible for all materials in the required articles and the lectures and they will make the assignments much easier. When asking questions about your assignments I will almost always ask “have you read the reading and watched the lecture?”

The basic concepts you should know prior to this class (from pre-requisites) are well covered in Relational Databases Programming Concepts – http://www.agiledata.org/essays/relationalDatabases.html

Week 1 – Topic – Review of Database I

Week 2 – Topic – Importing Data

Week 3 – Topic – Stored Procedures Part 1

Week 4 – Topic – Function in Queries

Week 5 – Topic – Managing Transactions

Week 6 – Topic – Stored Procedures Part 2

Week 7 – Topic – Creating Reports

Week 8 – Topic – Working with Data – Lookup Tables

Week 9 – Topic – Data Analysis – Aggregation

Week 10 – Topic – Security and SQL Injection

Week 11 – Topic – Performance and Indexes

Week 12 – Topic – Full Text Indexing

Week 13 –Topic – Creating an Interface

Week 14 – Topic -OLAP Advanced Analysis

Week 15 – Topic – NOSQL using DynamoDB and MongoDB

Database Fundamentals

Lecture – Getting Started with SQL Server Management Studio  – This is an introduction video that gets you started working with Visual Studio.

Foreign Keys Example 1 – Creating Foreign Keys. An example video of the correct use of foreign keys and normalizing table design.

Foreign Keys Example 2 – Inserting and Deleting Records – An example of how to use foreign keys practically when inserting and deleting records that contain foreign key relationships.

Views Example using Registration System – An example of creating a complex view joining 5 tables for the Case Study – Registration Database .

Complex Queries with Registration System – A video and write-up of performing complex queries with the Case Study – Registration Database .

Getting Started with Report Builder 3 -A video showing the creation of a simple report with report Builder.

Programming Examples

Getting Started with Database Tools in Visual Studio – This demonstrates how to connect to a database and create functional pages without writing code, simply using the Visual Studio Data Aware Objects.

Medicare Database Visual Studio Code Example – This has a video and corresponding code. It demonstrates how to write database objects in C# code using the Medicaid Satisfaction database.

ADO.NET Tutorial – This is an external tutorial that covers all the ADO.NET objects. Very well written and easy to follow.

Calling Stored Procedures from Visual Studio 1 – Demonstrates using Visual Studio Objects to call a stored procedure from an interface.

Adding Gridview to Input Screen – Uses example for calling stored procedure and shows how to add a Gridview that updates every time data is entered.

Passing Variables in Web Forms – Demonstrates 3 methods of passing variables in Web Forms, Session, HTTP GET QueryString, and HTTP Post. All three using minimal code.Using a DropdownList with a Database – This uses the registration system example. We bind a drop down list to a database view, and use return values to call a stored procedure.

Database Analysis

Using Power Pivot – Really cool example of using PowerPivot with Excel 2010 to analyze the foreign aid database

Continuing Your Database Education

This course is really designed to get you over the hump of the major learning curve of using databases in a real organizational setting. Of course this field never ends and I strongly recommend continuing with learning everything you can. Here are links to make that possible.

Microsoft Virtual Academy – http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/ – Every technical topic you can imagine with great materials and training.

Coursera – https://www.coursera.org/ – Free and a personal favorite of mine. Courses are well done and cover a huge number of topics.

EdX – https://www.edx.org/ – From Harvard to ASU, one of the major players in online education with great courses

Udacity – https://www.udacity.com/ – Offers what they call Nanodegrees, specialize and master individual fields