Assignment 11 – Full Text Indexing

 Assignment 11A – Full-Text Indexing



Learn to use Full-text indexing to enhance query


You will be using your menu database.

1. You will need to add about 4-5 menu groups and at least 4 items per group.

2. You will create a full text index on the item descriptions.

3. Demonstrate a full text query that returns all items that contain two search items such as “Delicious” AND “Spicy”. The return should be organized by menu group, with the items in that group that match the full text pattern displayed with their descriptions.

Create a word (or pdf) document that has the query, approach, and results of your query.



Estimated Completion Time

The query will not take long once you figure it out, getting the data into the database will probably take longer.

Supporting Lectures 

Topic – Full Text Indexing

Questions and Answers


External Resources


Grading Criteria