Assignment 15B – Retrospective Paper

 Assignment #15B


1. Assist with future offerings of the course

2. Provide a review of topics learned


This assignment requires you to write a summary paper of the technologies, techniques and items you learned in this class. The paper should be no more than 2 pages long – single spaced. You may use the following format;

Title – COP4709 Database Items Learned

Introduction – An overview of your previous database experience including products

Objectives – Reasons for taking the class, items you hoped to learn

Learning – Things you learned to do and how proficient doing these in the future. How likely are you to use them in future jobs – or are you currently using them?

Challenges – What did you find challenging, what could have helped you

Conclusions and Recommendations – Did you get enough exposure to items you would have expected? What would you like more of? less of?

Please write as single spaced

Grading Criteria

This is graded for content and grammar – write a good paper.