Lecture – Preparing a Flat File for Database Import

Preparing a Flat File for Database Import

Summary of Video

This video covers using excel to read a CSV file and some methods to help you prepare it for import as a flat file. This is best watched after you have some experience importing files and getting them into the correct DB format.


When trying to import data into spreadsheets, Excel is a very useful tool. The easiest and cleanest import works when all of the cells are values and all of the cells contain valid entries – so your goal is to make sure you meet these conditions. This usually requires some manipulation of the data in Excel first. In this video we take some data that is not necessarily clean and we clean it up for import. The techniques demonstrate some of the things you can do to work with data to help clean and prepare it. Please note that there are many ways to clean data.


This is part of theĀ Topic – Importing Data

Video Link

Support Materials

Here are links to some of the data files used in this video


