Assignment 10B – Data Analysis CIS4360


Perform a complex data analysis with real data


The attached data contains 4 columns;
Subj_Cat – The class for which we have data
ID -Hashed version of the student ID
Term – The semester when the student took the course (2171 = Spring 17, 2185 = Fall 18, 2168 = Summer 16 – you should be able to determine pattern from that.
Gr_Pts_Unit = The grade for the course 0=F, 1=D, 2=C, 3=B, 4=A

Your task is to determine if students that took CTS2321 perform poorly in CIS4360 as compared to students who took CTS3348. Both courses can be used as a pre-requisite for CIS4360. CTS2321 is Linus, CTS3348 is also Linux, CIS4360 is Cybersecurity.

The goal is to determine a policy for the allowable pre-requisites for CIS4360. You should develop a report, a conclusion and support your conclusion with the data analysis. If you do this one – I will give you my report and conclusion (this is a real analysis I performed).

CIS4360 Data for COP4709