
Course Lectures

Lectures that are useful for the materials in this course will be posted on this page. In addition to lectures produced for this class, this page also include lectures from other courses.

To help with basic programming I recommend you visit my Programming Fundamentals page for more assistance on the fundamental programming topics.  


Topic 1 – Introduction to Data Structures

TitlePowerpointVideo Link
Introduction to Data StructuresCOP3530- Data Structures - IntroductionYoutube BrightCove
Getting Started with JavascriptCOP3530- Data Structures-JavascriptYoutube BrightCove
Getting Started with JSFiddleCOP3530-Data Structures-JSFiddleYoutube BrightCove
Inserting Data into an ArrayNoneYoutube
A Quick Primer on JS FIddleNoneYoutube

Arrays and List

Topic 3 – Basic Data Structures

TitlePowerpointVideo Link
Big-O Notation and ComplexityCOP3530- Data Structures-Big OYoutube BrightCove
Lists and ArraysCOP3530- Data Structures-Arrays and ListsYoutube BrightCove
QueuesThe QueueYoutube
Advanced Topics in ListsCOP3530- Data Structures - Advanced ListsYoutube BrightCove
Creating a Linked ListNoneYoutube
The Stack and Tower of HanoiYoutube
Getting Stared DebuggingNoneYoutube

Introduction to Algorithms

Topic 2 – Algorithms and Programming

Topic 8 – Hashing Techniques

Topic 6 – Search Techniques

Topic 7 – Sorting Techniques

Title PowerpointVideo Link
The Hash FunctionThe Hash FunctionYoutube
Recursive AlgorithmsCOP3530- Data Structures - RecursionYoutube BrightCove
Search AlgorithmsNoneNone
Sort AlgorithmsCOP3530- Data Structures - SortingYoutube BrightCove
Sorted Insertion in a Linked ListNoneYoutube


Topic 10 – Tree Data Structures

TitlePowerpointVideo Link
Introduction to Binary TreesBinary TreesYoutube
Trees Part 2COP3530- Data Structures - TreesYoutube BrightCove
Self-Balancing TreesCOP3530- Data Structures - Balancing TreesYoutube BrightCove
B-Trees and TRIECOP3530- Data Structures - B-TreesYoutube


TitlePowerpointVideo Link
Insertion Sort, Merge SortMIT Open Courseware - Sorting Part 1Link
Heap SortMIT Open Courseware - Sorting Part 2Link


Topic 11 – Graph Data Structures

TitlePowerpointVideo Link
Breadth First SearchMIT Open Courseware - BFS LectureLink
Depth First SearchMIT Open Courseware - DFS LectureLink
Shortest Path


Getting Started in Javascript

Lecture –  Debugging in Javascript and Chrome

It is good to understand what it is to be a programmer – here is the best article anywhere on that – https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-paul-ford-what-is-code/

The best external resource I have found on structures is Free Code Camp Top 10 Data Structures to know.